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Last Update: 12/14/11 0937
Metlists, Inc. - Venues - The Stone
The Stone

The marquee, 1993

Inside The Stone, 1989

412 Broadway St
San Francisco, CA 94133
Venue Type:
Closed some time in mid 90s, still standing as far as I know.
300 (Approx)
Metallica Shows Played:
Saturday September 18th, 1982  
  Saturday March 5th, 1983 Cliff's first show, premiere of Anesthesia
  Saturday March 19th, 1983  
  Wednesday August 31st, 1983 No setlist available.
  Saturday September 3rd, 1983  
  Monday November 7th, 1983 Premiere of Ride The Lightning
  Saturday November 26th, 1983  
Known songs played here:
  • Was once one of a group of bay area rock clubs, now just an empty building on a run down street.

The Stone in it's current state